Accommodations for tests mitigate the impact of barriers in the standard exam setting for students with disabilities, and allow students with disabilities to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. Exam accommodations might include assistive technology or auxiliary aids; additional time for the exam; or a distraction-reduced exam setting. In order to receive the testing accommodation once approved by a CAE Disability Specialist, students should make their requests by releasing their accommodation letters via the Student Portal.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request my test accommodations?

Step 1: Student

The exam accommodation begins with the student logging into the Student Portal and releasing the Letter of Accommodations to be viewed by the course faculty. After doing so, the student should return to the Main Menu page and click on the Book a Test link, following the necessary steps of inputting the course/exam details. Exam bookings should be done during Week One of each quarter, or at least 7 days prior to exam administration.

Step 2: CAE Testing Center

Staff will review received exam booking, send email notification to faculty to confirm test details submitted.

Step 3: Faculty

Via the Portal, faculty will review the accommodation letter, along with confirming/editing submitted exam request. Finally, faculty will upload exam & instructions for test. (Otherwise they will notify Testing Center should they prefer to provide their own accommodation for student)

Step 4: CAE Testing Center

Testing Center will notify students, via email of exam confirmation/location, 2-days prior to exam date.

Step 5: Student

Student will receive email confirmation, check the Student Portal under “My Schedule” for the location of their exam. Note: “Prof Accomm” means professor will be administering the exam and providing the accommodation(s).

Step 6: CAE Testing Center

CAE Testing center will proctor the exam.

Step 7: CAE Testing Center OR Faculty

CAE Testing Center returns completed exam to the faculty – OR - Faculty chooses to pick up completed exams from the CAE Testing Center.

When should I book my exams?

Students requesting test accommodations are expected to release their accommodations letters AND book their exams via the Student Portal during week one of each quarter, as soon as they are approved, or at least 7 days prior to the date of the exam.

Students that make a request for exam accommodations in less than 7 days do not provide the University with a timely notice by which to coordinate the service. As a result, any exam accommodation requested less than 7 days of notification to the CAE will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis yet the University may be unable to provide proper exam arrangements.(For example: if an accommodation letter is released the day of or the day before an exam date (and this includes a Friday release date for a Monday exam) this may not be considered enough time to make and coordinate the testing accommodations.

The CAE will make a good faith effort to accommodate students who do not request proctoring in a timely fashion on a case-by-case basis. If the Testing Center cannot add a student to the schedule, the student will be referred to their instructor and/or CAE Disability Specialist to determine alternative arrangements, if any.

Students that have disability-related flare-ups that prohibit them from taking the exam as scheduled must contact their CAE Disability Specialist immediately, or soon thereafter, to assess the reasonableness of the request. Make-up exams cannot be guaranteed but will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

What happens if I miss the 7-day window to release my letters and book my exams?

Remember to release your accommodation letters during Week One of the quarter (or at least 7 days prior to exam date). If you miss the 7 day notice please contact the Testing Center via email or visit our drop-ins below:

  • During Midterms (Weeks 1 -9): CAE Testing Center drop-in hours Monday – Thursday between 12pm – 1pm via zoom or call to schedule an appointment as NO WALK–INS are being held
  • During Finals (weeks 10 - 11): No drop-in hours. Send an email to We will review your request and respond within 24 business hours. Please provide the reason for making the request late, and any other pertinent information.

For any other questions, the CAE Testing Center hours are 8am - 4pm.

CAE Testing Center is located in Murphy A-242. Phone: 310-825-2651 Email: Add to email contact list to avoid emails to spam/junk folder.

What should I know before I take my exam with CAE?

  • Testing locations do not always have clocks. Bring a watch. However, cellphones/smart watches are not permitted.
  • Arrive to testing location ON TIME with a picture I.D. (Bruin card, driver’s license, or passport) and appropriate materials allowed for exam (pen, pencil, blue book, calculator, etc.). If you arrive late, the time will not be added.
  • If you arrive more than 30 minutes late to an exam, we will need professor permission for you to begin the exam.
  • Know your accommodations and which accommodations you have requested to use during the exam.
  • Know how long you have and know your exam end time. If you think the length of time is incorrect, check with testing staff prior to starting your exam. Keep track of your time during the exam.
  • Notify your CAE Disability Specialist of any changes in disability or medical condition (these changes may necessitate a change in your testing accommodations).
  • Notify Testing Center staff via email if you decide to cancel an exam. Making up or rescheduling your exam will not be guaranteed as it is typically determined by your professor. Please contact your Disability Specialist if disability-related circumstances have arise.
  • If you have a question during an exam, let the proctor know. The proctor may be able to contact professors via phone or email. If not, a proctor may escort you to the classroom to speak directly to the professor or one of the TAs.
  • All students must notify the proctor when leaving a testing room (e.g. to use the restroom or to take a break).
  • Typically, there will be 10-20 other students in the same room taking an exam. Dividers and ear plugs are offered to students to help assist in making the testing area as distraction-free as possible.
  • When testing with CAE our expectation is that all students abide by the Student Conduct Code.

Additional Resources