If you are a student who experiences unexpected disability-related flare-ups, you may be eligible for adjusted assignment deadlines. Adjusted deadlines may be considered reasonable accommodations for students with acute, unexpected, or episodic conditions.

General Parameters of the Accommodation

CAE has established a general set of rules that apply in most cases for an adjusted deadline accommodation. While students with this accommodation eligibility may request deadline extensions past the general parameters, each request is subject to review by CAE staff. Students MUST exhaust all of their options under these general parameters for accommodations prior to requesting individual reviews with their CAE Specialist. The general parameters are as outlined below:

  1. Requests for extensions that fall under the below general parameters must be requested directly with the instructor.
  2. For most assignments and course components (e.g., discussion board activities, reflection papers less than 10 pages in length, homework, lab reports, problem sets), a 48 hour extension should generally be allowed by the instructor.
  3. For larger, cumulative assignments and major course assessments (e.g., term papers more than 10 pages in length, capstone projects), a 72 hour extension should generally be allowed by the instructor.
  4. For individual presentations, students should be reassigned to a later date not to exceed a week from the original presentation date.
  5. This accommodation generally does not apply to group presentations or group-based work (e.g., group briefs, team-based activities).
  6. This accommodation also generally does not apply to exams, quizzes, or finals. Students needing to postpone exams, quizzes, or finals should speak with their Disability Specialist about an adjusted attendance accommodation.
  7. All requests for this type of accommodation cannot extend a deadline beyond the end of the term and are subject to individual review by a CAE Specialist in consultation with your instructor.

How Can I Request a Deadline Extension

Simply put, once a student is eligible for the adjusted deadline accommodation and they have requested their accommodation letter they either:

  1. Make an individual deadline extension request for an assignment or course component with their instructor if it falls within the general parameters listed above.
  2. Make an individual deadline extension request for an assignment or course component with their instructor if an alternative accommodation agreement was made because one or more of the general parameters above is not applicable to the course.
  3. Consult with their Disability Specialist about an individual deadline extension request if the request falls outside of the general parameters listed above and/or an alternative accommodation agreement CAE made with the instructor.


Step 1: Initial Follow-Up

Once the student has been approved for the accommodation, the student should request their accommodation letter with the adjusted deadline eligibility listed on the letter. The letter directs the instructor to further resources around what is required as a part of the adjusted deadline accommodation. Your Disability Specialist will also send further information on the accommodation and confirm how you will request deadline extensions under the general parameters of the accommodation.

Step 2: Request Accommodation Under the General Parameters

Should an instructor not contest the general parameters listed above for the accommodation, you will request your deadline extensions in accordance with the general parameters. As a reminder, requests for this accommodation when under the general parameters should be made with the instructor and not the Disability Specialist.

Should an instructor decide to contest the general parameters lsited above for the acccommodation, your Disability Specialist will send information over to your instructor about the Adjusted Deadlines Accommodation and ask them to complete an alternative agreement form that outlines the new parameters of this accommodation. The agreement form is intended to identify how the accommodation can be applied to the course without fundamentally altering the objectives and essential outcomes that all students are expected to meet. The Disability Specialist will review the instructors answers and use any infromation provided by the student to come to an agreement that meets this threshold.

While students should not complete these agreements,you can find a sample of the agreement the link below.

Faculty Adjusted Deadlines Alternative Agreement Form

Step 3: Addressing Requests Beyond the General Parameters

When a student is making a request for an adjusted deadline that is beyond the bounds of the general parameters listed above or the alternative agreement established with the instructor, those requests should be made directly with the student's Disability Specialist through the Adjusted Deadlines Requst form below. While requests for adjusted deadlines beyond the general parameters or what the alternative agreement covers are rarely approved, CAE remains committed to working individually with students to determine if additional consideration is reasonable.

Student Adjusted Deadline Request Form


What is the adjusted assignment deadline accommodation?

If a student has a chronic documented disability with unpredictable or cyclical acute episodes, adjustments to deadlines may be appropriate as an accommodation and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

What is the purpose of the accommodation?

The accommodation is meant to adjust when or if there is an unexpected, uncontrolled and/or exacerbation of disability-related symptom(s) that prohibit a student’s ability to submit an assignment by an established due date.

When considering adjusted assignment deadlines, what types of assignments is the CAE referring to?

For the purposes of this accommodation, adjusted deadlines refer to in-class assignments, papers/essays, lab reports, and other take-home assignments.

How is this accommodation determined by the CAE?

This accommodation is determined by an individual assessment of, but not limited to:

  1. The student’s functional limitations listed in the medical documentation.
  2. The student’s narrative in relation to their functional limitations.
  3. The course requirements.

The accommodation does not:

Entitle the student to submit all assignments after established deadlines.

Make adjustments for:

  • Academic course load
  • Multiple assignments due in close proximity
  • Studying for exams or other assessments
  • Scheduling conflicts
  • Employment, appointments, or other personal obligations
  • Time management issues

Why do you need to speak with my professor if I am approved for this accommodation?

The CAE may need to conduct "an individualized inquiry" with respect to requests for an adjusted assignment deadline. The student may be required to provide documentation that independently supports their request for extended time on an assignment as an academic adjustment. First, it must be understood that documentation that supports a student's need for extended time on tests and examinations is not sufficient to support a request for extended time on all assignments. Such documentation does not establish entitlement to extended time on all assignments regardless of the nature of the assignment and/or the timeframes involved.

The CAE must ensure that any adjusted assignment deadlines do not fundamentally alter course objectives, which may be found in the syllabus statement. As a result, CAE consults with your instructor to determine what would be a reasonable deadline extension given the nature of their course.

Can I make the request directly with my Professor, TA or Instructor?

Instructional staff should not make inquiries into the nature of a student’s disability, nor assess for the reasonableness of a requested adjustment on the basis of a disability. Individual requests for an adjustment to a deadline are dictated by the general parameters listed above or an alternative agreement established between CAE and the instructor on the accommodation.Requests made outside of the bounds of the agreement should be discussed individually with the student's Disability Specialist.

I am approved for the adjusted assignment deadline accommodation and I’m experiencing a flare-up. What do I do?

It is the student’s responsibility to follow the general parameters listed above or the steps listed in the alternative agreement sent to them for their courses. Should an individual request for a deadline extension fall outside of the bounds of the general parameters or the alternative agreement (e.g., the extension is for an assignment or course component not covered in the agreement), they should reach out to their individual specialist for support.